“Making Bengaluru more
commuter-experience friendly”



CiRE is a thought leadership platform connecting Corporates, Government and the Real-Estate Industry.


Bangalore Political Action Committee (B.PAC) is a non-partisan citizen's group that aims to improve governance in Bengaluru and to enhance the quality of life of every Bengalurean, working since the past 10 years.


The Centre for infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning (CiSTUP) of Indian Institute of Science (IISc) was established in the year 2009 during the centenary celebrations of IISc, with base funding from the Karnataka State Government and inputs from visionary leaders at IISc and the Government.

Bengaluru continues to be India’s most congested city and ranks sixth globally as per Tom Tom Traffic Index. The time taken to cover a distance of 10km in Bengaluru is about 28minutes with an average speed of 18kmph during busy hours, leading Bengalureans to lose 132 hours to traffic congestion throughout the year. This reality translates into a frustrating experience for millions of daily commuters, hindering the otherwise forward-looking and development-centric ethos of the Silicon Valley of India.

The challenge of urban mobility is due to low public transport infrastructure and first-last mile connectivity thereby forcing employees commuting daily from home to office and back to invest into private vehicles. The massive surge of private vehicles in the city of 280% between 2007-2020 led not only to traffic congestion on roads but also consequent delays in getting to workplace, reduced productivity and decreased work-life balance.

The Green Ride Bengaluru campaign is launched for this very purpose on 1st March, 2024 with a vision of “Making Bengaluru more commuter-experience friendly.” Although, the campaign’s wider agenda is to re-solve urban mobility landscape in the city which is caused by poor urban planning, lack of public transport infrastructure, necessary policies and incentives for mobility, behavioral issues associated with sustainable modes of public transport. But, to facilitate measures in this direction by govt and relevant urban development stakeholders, we are beginning with a different approach. As most of this city is working and commuting, thereby making corporate commuters as major stakeholders in urban mobility, we are shifting the lens to the corporates to take the first step in mitigating traffic congestion issues.

We believe by giving the centre-stage to corporate, this will not only help in increasing their own employee health and well-being but also play a major role in their associated sustainable business growth. The campaign is scheduled to run for 6 months where the first 3 months is for participation and filling -out self-assessment forms, followed by next 3 months of on-site validation and assessments by the jury members. The focus areas of the campaign are to facilitate the use of public transport, last-mile connectivity practices, provision of shared electric transport, adequate supplementary infrastructure, and necessary policies for enhancing sustainable mobility usage by employees for their commute. These five award-focus pillars go beyond just creating awareness about sustainable mobility but rather initiate the much-needed change within the corporate commute.

The campaign is set to run for the next 2-3 years, with first phase focussing on corporate commute and the objective of this first phase is to assess, validate the current corporate mobility, showcase the best practices followed by corporates for sustainable employee commute and generate the mobility policy tool-kit which will help leverage the necessary sustainable mobility shift through policies, planning in the landscape of Bengaluru.

Additionally, we believe that this first phase of the campaign not only initiates in resolution of the wider mobility issues but also deeply addresses the livability aspects of the commuters.

This journey is supported by our key implementation and strategy partners from IISc – Prof Ashish Verma, B.PAC, Future ICT Forum for Sustainable Cities. The jury members for the course of this campaign are Smt Manjula , ex DULT, Prof Ashish Verma – Convenor of IISC Sustainable Transportation lab, Ms Revathy Ashok – B.PAC and Mr Srinivas – WRI, India. Thus, with our jury spreading across government, academic, civic activists’ body and think-tanks, we plan to bring about a revolutionary shift in urban mobility.

Award categories

Green Ride Corporate Champion Award

Purpose : To recognize the corporates who have incorporated and encouraged sustainable mobility solutions for employee commute in policy and implementation within their capacities.

Corporates in Bengaluru Metropolitan Region BMR:

‍Startups/ small sized - (with < on-site employees)
Mid-sized - (with - on-site employees)
Large sized - (with > on-site employees)

Sub categories for the award and who can apply:

Green Ride Park Pioneer Award

Purpose : Recognize the corporate park which has facilitated convenience in sustainable mobility for employees and encourages active mobility within and outside the campus.

Sub categories for the award and who can apply:

Corporate Tech parks in Bengaluru Metropolitan Region BMR

Green Ride Trailblazer Award

Purpose : The award aims to recognize individual employees who travel using sustainable commute modes and has also taken individual efforts in encouraging his/her colleagues in similar practices.

" Five employees can be nominated by Corporates or Corporate Tech Park in this form "

First Corporates to nominate Employees, and then those Employees fill in the entry form with details.

Facilitating use of Public Transport

Facilitating use of Public Transport


Professorof Transport Systems Engineering at IISc


Facilitating Last Mile Connectivity: Walking, Cycling and Feeder Buses


Facilitating Last Mile Connectivity: Walking, Cycling and Feeder Buses


Meant for Corporates across Bangalore

Purpose of the award

Recognize the corporations that have incorporated and encouraged sustainable mobility solutions for employee commute in policy and implementation

Qualifying criteria

Size criteria to cover start-up to large corporate size

Evaluation & validation

1) Self-assessment online validation

2) Physical validation

3) Final validation & approval by Jury

Provision of Shared Electric Transport

CEO & Managing Trustee - BPAC


Provision of Shared Electric Transport

Infrastructure for Sustainable Mobility

Fellow – Integrated Transport &Road Safety, WRI Bangalore

Infrastructure for Sustainable Mobility


Implementation of Sustainable Mobility Policies


Chairman, Karnataka Appellate Tribunal and Director-General, Administrative Training Institute, Mysuru

Implementation of Sustainable Mobility Policies



Meant for - Corporates parks & Tech-parks

Purpose of the award

Recognize the corporate park whichhas facilitated convenience in sustainable mobility for employees and encourages active mobility within and outside the campus.

Qualifying criteria

One criterion for all corporate park owners.

Evaluation & validation

1) Self-assessment online validation

2) Physical validation

3) Final validation & approval by Jury


Meant for

Individual within corporates

Purpose of the award

Recognize the individual within corporates with the most active & impactful engagement on sustainable mobility solutions

Qualifying criteria

Corporates do the first round of evaluation for their top trailblazer employees

Evaluation & validation

1) Nomination by the corporate of 5 employees

2) Self-assessment online validation

3) Final interaction with the Jury

Launch event sponsor